HM Magazine Intern Diary: 6.15.09

Another Monday come and gone. I converted some of the new music I’ve been listening to and swishing around in my head into album reviews today, since I’m still trying to set up interviews for most, if not all of my features. I’m still feeling like I don’t have much done four days from deadline, but pieces are starting to come together and I’m doing what I can so I guess I need to be patient.

Uh oh, I just found out the other intern is coming in tomorrow! I better clean up my act! (And my office, and the kitchen, and my room, and my vocabula… well maybe not that last one.) Nah, should be fun having another crazy person around here to keep Doug and me in check. If she happens to be sane, well, I think we can do away with that in quick fashion. (If she reads this I’m in trouble, huh? Oh well.)

Speaking of things I need to clean up, my car is in serious need of a bath from being in the country for far too long:

Seeing as I’m poor, I resigned myself to at least start by replacing the windshield washer fluid, which had been empty. I figure when it’s difficult to see around all the smashed bugs on your windshield, it’s probably time to man up and go get a bottle of the stuff. Here’s what I was looking through:

(The streaks on the left side are from our cat Spot trying to climb up and sit on the sunroof, for some reason. Guess it took him a couple tries, eh?)

Though I failed anyway and bought a brand of washer fluid that needs to be mixed with regular washer fluid so I’ll have to make another trip to the store soon. Oh well, maybe I’ll grab a bucket and sponge while I’m there to help my poor friend out:

As long as I remember to move it into the driveway before I mess with it – when I was standing in the grass opening the hood, I got bit by a fire ant on my foot and the bottom of my toe! Who bites a toe? That should be illegal even in bug kingdom! Never mind the fact I may have been planning on using that foot to end his short life…

Well, I’ve got tidying to do!
Corey Erb

“Make me new again / So I can be clear and conscious of what I’m doing wrong / I want to be whole / I want to know more than I should.” – from “Clear and Conscious” by Name Taken